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  4. 『My body is even better than before I had injuries』Feedback of Rehabilitation for unknown pain

Case Study 症状別事例



『My body is even better than before I had injuries』Feedback of Rehabilitation for unknown pain

執筆中尾 優作(理学療法士/プロスポーツトレーナー)


Jelena was experiencing pain throughout her body, including her shoulders, knees, hips, and lower back for more than two years.

The cause of the pain was unknown, and doctors were unable to diagnose the reason for it.

Her main concern was that her physical activity was greatly limited by the pain, and she wanted to enjoy workouts or sports as she did before.

Our initial aim was to restore symmetrical physical balance and activate muscles that were dysfunctional.

Within a month, she started feeling a decrease in body pain and became capable of performing more movements without experiencing pain.

Now she can even perform more strenuous exercises, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and enjoys jogging for the first time in a year.

We conducted an interview with her about her experience here at Lifelong.


  • Pain at shoulder, lower back, hip and knee
  • Limited physical activity due to pain
  • No specific diagnose by doctors
  • She wanted active lifestyle again

Purpose of use

I had actually experienced a lot of pain in my body and for maybe like two years. I was regularly going visiting Chiropractors. It did help somewhat, but every few days, I would again have to go back to Chiropractors. Of course I experienced all the time pain in the hips in the knees, my feet would hurt. Then I also had problems with especially left shoulders and I realised that there is no point going constantly only to have the same issues appearing after a few days.
So, by really huge coincidence, I met a new friend at that time she once showed me one day her photographs before and after her spine correction then I was like “wow! did you go to Chiropractors?” She said “no I’m visiting Physiotherapist” And then that clicked and I was like “yes, physiotherapist”.
She said “all I do is just exercise” and that was exactly what I was looking for and this is why it came here. That was totally something that I thought would be the best solution and it turns out to be the best solution. actually
中尾 優作
中尾 優作
Jelena was struggling with pain in different locations, the causes of which were unknown and strongly restricted her physical activity. During the first check-up, I noticed certain characteristics in her body and movement patterns, such as the dominance and tightness of muscles on the front side of her body, as well as the weakness and looseness of muscles on the opposite side. Additionally, her goal was not only to reduce the pain but also to enjoy physical activities as she did before.
Therefore, I suggested that a treatment aiming solely for temporary pain reduction was not the ideal approach for her. It would be more effective for her to strengthen the weak muscles and improve the flexibility of stiff muscles in order to change her body’s balance and movement patterns.

Effects of exercise

As soon as I started coming here, within maybe like a month period, I noticed changes that the pain that I feel in certain parts of my body is becoming decreased. And over the months, I literally change the goals that I’m working on.
In the beginning, I came here because I constantly have had the pain I couldn’t keep my balance and so on. So, in the first months, we worked on that strengthening the muscles. Now I have actually different goals and the effects are of course different. I’m actually working on my strengthening and becoming really fit.
This is what I love and I feel even if my body is even better than before I had all these injuries I never felt this fit before.
中尾 優作
中尾 優作
Initially, Jelena experienced pain throughout her body without a specific diagnosis. I formulated a hypothesis regarding the source of her pain: while her muscles, joints, and ligaments seemed intact, the primary issues lay in her body’s functionality, particularly in movement patterns and joint stability.
Consequently, we commenced by activating the smaller muscles around her joints, enhancing the range of motion for stiff joints, and focusing on efficient joint movements. Remarkably, her body responded swiftly, and the intensity of her pain began to diminish.
With an expanded ability to perform various movements without experiencing discomfort, Jelena found joy in challenging exercises she hadn’t been able to attempt before, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and back squats using a barbell.

How daily life changed

Before I started experiencing this pain, I was going to the gym regularly like six days a week. I was running a lot. I really enjoyed that kind of active lifestyle. But with all this pain, it gradually decreased to having physical activity.
I started working out here twice a week and it was really beautiful that my body gradually improved. And finally, I’m active almost everyday and even go to another gym. I enjoy running again.
And actually the feeling that I have in my body is now much, much better even compared to my state before I had before these injuries. I feel much stronger and faster. I really missed that feeling I loved being, how can I say? I love that feeling of being at home in my body, feeling strong and feeling capable of doing whatever I would like to do and experience with my body.
中尾 優作
中尾 優作
It’s gratifying to hear that she enjoys a more active lifestyle, which is precisely our goal. The reduction of her body’s pain served as a stepping stone towards enhancing her physical abilities.
Currently, she’s engaging in more challenging exercises involving weights, running, and even attending additional gym sessions.
This transformation is a direct outcome of exercise therapy. Unlike passive treatments like manual therapy or painkillers, which may temporarily alleviate pain, they are unable to bolster physical strength. Altering one’s body condition propels the current situation towards the next stage.

Next goal

My future plans are now really totally something
I could not even imagine for myself because Saku-san pushed me to do the things that I never thought would be possible for me.
For example, I never thought that I would be able to do the push-ups or even assisted pull- ups and so on. So now I set new goals for myself and I really want to be sort of like a fitness model something like that. I really want to perfect all my muscles and to have muscular, strong body. I want to lose more weight, and I want to have like a six pack.
Long term dream, I want to do some poses from yoga that are hard and they involve very strong wrists. So I want to learn how to do the crow pose and possibly handstand. So these are something that I so I’m working on my core I want to work on my wrists and my arms To be able to do those things that would be awesome.
中尾 優作
中尾 優作
Once you’re able to alleviate the pain in your body, you can start contemplating your next steps. When Jelena initially began attending sessions at Lifelong, she was apprehensive and somewhat disheartened about her diminished physical strength, unable to do activities she once excelled in.
However, as the pain in her body gradually diminished, her outlook became more positive. She started expressing her desire to attempt more challenging exercises and take up jogging again. Witnessing how a body free from pain can significantly enhance an individual’s quality of life brought me immense joy

If you would like to receive treatment and rehabilitation in English from experienced physiotherapists, please do not hesitate to consult with us.

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